PiM Mini Model on Associated Costs

This mini model shows one of two ways to calculate costs within PROCESS-iMODELER models. Costs can be either as shown here the directly associated costs or like shown in another model the costs of the availability of the resources. For the associated costs you simply connect the process factors to a normal factor and use the costs() function times the process. The costs() value of each process step is the sum of the costs (a parameter of the resource- and level-resource factors) that are connected with the process step.

PiM: Optimal Parameter for Service Process

This is just a small model to show how PROCESS iMODELER (PiM) factors can be included in quantitative models. In this case it is a service and the question how many resource are optimal in order to satisfy the customers without becoming too expensive. Thus the Number of Resources is modeled with a range() function.

PiM: Building a new garden house (Qualitative Analysis)

The aim of this little model is to explore the project modeling possibilities of the PROCESS-iMODELER (it is called PROCESS-iMODELER though it is just a feature of the quantitative iMODELER). The project at hand is the building of a small garden house. The model probably isn't complete in its details as it should just show the functionality.

Quantitatives Demo Modell MC

Kleines Demo-Modell aus dem Tutorial (dort auf Englisch, via Menu ... Zeige Hilfe und dann Klick auf den Fragezeichen-Button am unteren Fenster-Rand) und dem gerade aktualisierten Buch: Qualitative und Quantitative Ursache-Wirkungsmodellierung

Collaborative World Model for the iBooks Readers

This is the collaborative model linked in the latest version of the interactive eBook (available from the Apple iBooks Store). Give it a try and add to it using what you have learned from the exercises from the iBook.

Handelsblatt-Dossier: Grenzen des wirtschaftlichen Höhenflugs Deutschlands

In der Ausgabe 115 vom 19./20./21 Juni 2015 beschreiben unter anderen Bert Rürup und Dirk Heilmann einige Aspekte des wirtschaftlichen Erfolgs Deutschlands im Vergleich zu anderen großen Industrieländern.  Diese qualitative Modell greift die wesentlichen Argumente auf und stellt diese in den Wirkungszusammenhang.

Nuclear Power

Sweden and several other countries decide to resume the use of the widely disputed nuclear energy, withdraw the promised decomission of older power plants and even plan to build new power plants. They argue that we all need cheap energy supply to gain time for the development of alternative energy sources and that nuclear energy is a carbon neutral and therefore climate saving source of energy. The majority of people until recently feared nuclear energy for its manifold risks. The costs of nuclear energy with all the uncertainties of nuclear waste disposition, the fear of terror attacks, the limited supply of uranium etc. are unclear.

Collaborative Commons (J. Rifkin), Sharing Economy, Internet 4.0 (IoT)

This is the start of a collaborative model on the question whether the internet of things and the sharing economy will reshape the way we live, whether it will prevail, create or cost jobs, increase or decrease our living standards and whether it will have a positive effect on our environment. A major factor will be our net happiness. According to KNOW-WHY-Thinking we need to feel integration and development. It is way easier to feel good by buying something new (developement) and than having something (integration) than by doing something actively and joining a community. If the new economy provides small individual gadgets that let us feel development and if the critical mass of us can integrate in communit ...»

Tutorial: Quantitative Demo Model (diffusion model, word of mouth WoM marketing)

This is the quantitative model from the tutorial (Menu ... Show Help ... "?" ... Quantitative Model)