IAM-Projekt: Modell zu den Triebfedern menschlichen Handelns

Ein qualitatives Ursache-Wirkungsmodell von Kai Neumann zur Erläuterung der Triebfedern menschlichen Handelns hergeleitet durch die KNOW-WHY-Denkweise [Kai Neumann in E:CO, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2013: "KNOW WHY Thinking as a new approach to systems thinking"] und die sich daraus ergebenden Schlüsse auf ein Wandel hin zu nachhaltigerem Verhalten. Motivation: Als widerlegt und doch noch extrem verbreitet als Grundlage vieler Modelle der Ökonomie aber auch der Politik gilt der rein rational entscheidende homo oeconomicus. Bei dieser Betrachtung werden aber viele soziale und psychologische Aspekte augeklammert, weshalb eine differenziere Sicht auf die Motivation des Menschen lohnt (Siehe auch "bounded rationality" von  ...»

Tesla's Powerwalls seen in context

Just a small qualitative model for a discussion on linkedin on the economics of Tesla's Powerwalls. Here is the original article the discussion is based on: http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2015/05/01/why-teslas-powerwall-is-just-another-toy-fo... 

Mini model international competitiveness eco technology

Just a small model on the competitiveness of eco technology and the effect of regulations that demand more eco friendly technologies.  Feel free to use the model to provide a more differentiated model.

Mini Simulation Game Sustainable Consumption

This small model features the latest simulation game features of the iMODELER service version 6.0.3.. Here is a link to a quick guide: http://ilsa-consulting.com/Downloads/iMODELER_simulation_games_tutorial.pdf  With version 6.0.3 comes the possibility to define surfaces with input and output texts and/or pictures. Ah, and you may opt (Menu .... preferences) to show curved arrows :-)

Collaborative, qualitative model: A good life

This model might lead to a new kind of politics. More to come. In between you may simply play a bit with the model and try the new feature of a collaborative modeling link directly beneath the model on know-why.net. Don't be shy....

The world economy - modeling an article from the SPIEGEL

Here is a small model of the arguments taken from an online article from the SPIEGEL: http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/wachstum-der-weltwirtschaft-der-kapitalismus-ist-kaputt-a-1028098.h...

Quantitative mini model of job markets and purchasing power

This quantitative model is a small excerpt from a 1000+ factors model of a larger project. It allows to simulate the changes of a job market due to changes of available jobs or people seeking for jobs, people choosing to work only part time and a larger part of pensioners. While it would be fairly easy to model it through a classic system dynamics stock and flow structure it was fairly challenging to try it with the iMODELER's possibility to use stocks without delays. That is also the reason why I tried it the complicated way: in a model with classic stocks and their implicit delays some changes would take up to three years (the time step in our customer's model) to take effect. When you try this kind of comp ...»

Interpretation of loops: a dispute between qualitative and quantitative modelers

Small model to show the limits and strengths of qualitative models when we look at loops.

Integration von Asyl-Suchenden in Deutschland

Kleines qualitatives Modell für KNOW-WHY.NET und zur Vorbereitung auf einen Workshop, für den das als gewünschtes Thema angekündigt wurde.

Software (Product) Development Example Model

Small model on product development (in this case Consideo's improvement of data import functionality of the iMODELER) and how to use same basic features of the iMODELER like change of perspectives, use of categories and filters and some of the analysis functionality like the new bar charts and the benefit from the new weighting that comes with version 6. For more see the presenter (Menu ... Presenter).