Universal basic income UBI (Basic Income Guarantee / BGE Bedingungsloses Grundei

Please join the collaborative modeling and reflect on the pros and cons https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedingungsloses_Grundeinkommen http://bgekoeln.ning.com/forum/topics/bge-in-deutschland-einfach-zu-finanzieren ....There is also a quantitative model showing its feasibility: https://www.know-why.net/model/CLYtvCx9NfsfwcpRz8n6WUA 

Circular plastic economy (Allen McArthur Foundation)

Inspired by the following study I have developed this model. Please leave your comments. World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company The New Plastics Economy — Rethinking the future of plastics (2016, http://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/publications).  

GDP growth with shrinking population

This model was developed as a reaction to a science meeting where the participants univocally doubted the potential for GDP growth in Germany with the prospect of a shrinking population. While I might criticize the concept of a GDP and see a lot of reasons for a shrinking economy I doubt that a shrinking population inevitably has to lead to a shrinking GDP. But see my arguments in the model and tell us what you would change or even better make the changes directly in the model via the collaborative link.

The news: is the world getting better or worse

The Model asks: do we need so many negative news if actually the world is better off? As explained in the presenter (Menu... Presenter) the model argues that it takes both, positive and negative news.  Interestingly there are some figures that suggest that the world is better off. What we do not know, though, is whether we could have been living in a way better world and if the world would have been as it is without negative news. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/12/good-news-in-2015/421200/#article-comments

Circular Economies - General Model

This qualitative cause and effect model is just a generalized model on the circular economy of manufactured products. For concrete projects and strategies it needs continued explorative reflexion and an adopted weighting of connections.

Thema in der ZEIT: Läuft in unseren Schulen alles falsch

in der allmorgendlichen elbvertiefung wird das Thema "Läuft alles in den Schulen falsch?" angekündigt. Hier ein Modell, dieses Thema zu diskutieren. Los gehen sollte es natürlich mit der Frage, was denn erfolgreiche Schule auszeichnet. Weiter hinten kommen dann die Probleme und hoffentlich auch Lösungen. Also einfach den kollaborativen Link öffnen und los geht es.

Open Source Horizon Scanning Trend Forecast Foresight Model (1)

This model should help to collect news from all over the world and put them into cause and effect relation to each other, and to the factors that define the economy, the societies, the environment, and everyone. Those factors we call targets, colored yellow. Whenever some interesting news pops up we may add further target factors to connect them with the central target of our all well being. The model should remain as general as possible. A small manual is provided with the Menu ... Presenter. News could come from different sources, yet there should be just one factor for any specific topic. We can add other sources to the description texts of the factors and connections and soon (with iM-Document Manager) ev ...»

The effect of low oil prices and end of Iranian sanctions (Fareed Zakaria's arguments)

The start of the model is based on an article by Fareed Zakaria. Feel free to edit the model through the collaborative modeling link " By Fareed Zakaria Thursday, February 4, 2016 One of Donald Trump’s stock campaign lines is that the Iran nuclear agreement was “terrible.” I’m beginning to wonder whether that’s true, but from the other side. Iran has ended up with a much worse deal than it expected. Remember, Tehran entered the negotiations in the heady days of high oil prices. As the Iranians are discovering, it’s a new world out there. Put yourself in Iran’s shoes. The Islamic Republic got serious about negotiating and signed an interim agreement in 2013. That year, oil was hovering around $100 a barrel. Ir ...»

TTIP - for the people or a few industries

Actually, it is fairly simple: Politics should serve the benefit of the people of this and the future generation which includes the generation of jobs. If an agreement was just for the benefit without the primacy of certain industry's interests the highest standards would be chosen - nothing one would have to negotiate in secrecy. However, if each side wants to maximize the benefit of an agreement on their jobs they seek to keep the obstacles high for the products from other countries and low for their own products in other countries. And that is why they make it a secret: some powerful industries push to lower their obstacles in exchange for the competitiveness of other industries and prior to the existing e ...»

US elections 2016 - why Donald Trump is good for us

IMHO there is a dark side of the force opposed to the (light side of the) force. It is right vs. left, liberalism vs. communitarism, those who say we need to support the strong in order to enable them to give to the weaker, and those who say we need to support everybody in order to get a wealthier and happier society. While the US republicans definitely fit the cliche of the dark side of the force - I do not fall for the talk of a middle class and for their call for less government intervention for more rights for the people - the democrats not always withstand to support the special interests of some powerful people. So, from that perspective Donald Trump is good for us, the people. The model shows why. To u ...»