Media, please stop reporting on (Berlin) terror and blaming the authorities

Schiller is said to have said that a comedy is working because unconsciously ordinary people are relieved to feel that other people are more stupid. Studies proofed that the most wanted parts of a newspaper are catastrophes and the horoscope. Catastrophes, because we unconsciously are relieved that this didn’t happen to us. Unfortunately, this is the reason why car accidents and terror attacks in our cities with comparable few casualties are way more relevant to us than the many more casualties there are every day because of wars, terror, and famines - many of which are actually due to the weapons we export and the way live and cause climate change. Of course, the terror in Berlin is devastating and yet, wher ...»

Limits of democracy, populism, and the evil from social networks

This model is inspired by Emma's proposal for a topic for a model (to win a FAIRPHONE): It tries to understand the dynamics currently happening all over the world that push nationalism via social media. It is a qualitative model. There are other models arguing in the similar direction, e.g. this one on Putin, Erdogan etc.: ...or this one on the psychological mechanisms that lead to those defences of false information: The limit of democracy? The misinformation from social media. Of course, it has always been a challenge that powerful people pl ...»

Pros and Cons of autonomous cars (self driving vehicles (SDV))

A collaborative, qualitative model on the various aspects of SDVs. Please join the modeling.

Quantitative Model on Universal Basic Income (Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen)

Just the start of a collaborative quantitative model on universal basic income. Please join the modeling and discussion!There is also a qualitative model on this topic:  First scenarios: The economy is booming, yet inequality is rising. This model is still a rough model with just with groups an average low, medium and high income for Germany. The side effects of an universal basic income with some people deciding to work less and others to come up with new business ideas next to all the benefits for our society from people who choose unpaid caring activities are not activated and the effects from automation and digitization neither. So while without these ...»

Impact chains of climate change

Just a small qualitative model to scope the economical implications of climate change. Feel free to use it (you may import it into your account).

What does Trump becoming president of the USA now mean to the world?

just trying to grasp the situation - please join the modeling! While I started trying to show the high risks of catastrophe I now see also opportunities. See some first insights in the presenter (Menu ... Presenter) By the way: I predicted the development of the US elections, unfortunately : 

The automotive industry and the circular economy

Although I have modeled it before I got inspired by the Accenture article   to develop another model. Look at the presenter for some astonishing insight.

Amelie's CO2 Modell 2 (zum Gewinnen eines Fairphones)

während einer Gartenparty stellten ein paar Kinder zwischen 7 und 10 Jahren Fragen zu unserem Sampada Ofen, dem Veganersein, usw. Am Abend rückte ich dann mein Tablet raus und wir haben gemodelt. Amelie hat die Fragen gestellt und alle durften mal Faktoren anlegen. Die Kinder konnten hernach die meisten Zusammenhänge wiedergeben (möglicherweise zum Leidwesen einzelner Elternteile) PS: das Fairphone ginge dann an Amelie

Winning the Fairphone: a collaborative model on the development of house (real estate) prices

This is a collaborative qualitative model on the development of prices for real estate (houses, apartments etc.). While there is already a collaborative model on the development of stock markets ( I would like to gain more insights on house prices as well. Background: while the population is shrinking we still see a boom in the construction of new houses. I thought that this was only because of low interests but experts told me a couple of demographic arguments I wasn't aware of. Let us see how we can cover this topic. So, please join the modeling. PS 1: Maybe we need to quantify different cohorts of our society and run a simulation model on this, but ...»

PM Magazin - Erläuterung Gewichtung von Projekt-Schritten

nur ein Mini-Modell zur Erläuterung eines Artikels im Projektmagazin (Link folgt)