Lock-In situation of the transition towards sustainability

Quintessential excerpt from the following project: http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/entwicklung-eines-integrated-assessment-modells

Feste Fehmarnbelt-Querung und die Lübecker Bucht

Dieses Modell zur gemeinsamen Modellierung ist noch nicht fertig. Insbesondere die Gewichtung, welche die Anzahl der betroffenen Anwohner östlich, westlich der A1 und direkt an der Küste berücksichtigt, fehlt noch. Gern helfe ich bei der weiteren Modellierung - einfach selbst über den kollaborativen Link probieren oder über einen Kommentar nach Hilfe fragen.

Refugees from different regions - a collaborative model

The aim of this model is to have a closer look at the root causes for the flow of refugees from specific countries and regions. Please add your arguments.

Integration of refugees

I have just started this collaborative model on the best way to integrate refugees  Please join the modeling 

Refugees in Germany and Europe

A small qualitative model that you may use (import it directly from KNOW-WHY.NET) to visualize and analyze the interconnections behind the challenge of refugees in Europe. As it is a collaborative model you may directly work on it. The following pictures from unknown artist(s) painted for the international degrowth conference in Leipzig 2015 say "a good live for everybody". Most amazingly is the fact that the artist(s) included a group of people reflecting on interrelations in order get new ideas/solutions. That is, what we support by this kind of modeling! versus 'more growth' showing also a barb wire fence to protect us and our gadgets!

PiM demo model on IT processes p2: developing solutions

This small PiM model shows how an IT company that develops apps or designs websites or installes software can be modeled in order to identify bottlenecks or constraints and to simulate the costs and income (benefit management)

Flüchtlinge in Deutschland und Europa

ein erstes qualitatives Modell, welches über KNOW-WHY.NET gern geladen und zu einem eigenen, alternativen Modell verändert werden kann. Siehe auch das englische Modell, welches kollaborativ bearbeitet werden kann: https://www.know-why.net/model/CY7aksh7qgaQkCiULQUJN1A

PiM: Demo model for modeling supply chains and optimal inventories 2

This is a small example model that shows how to use normal factors and delays to model delivery times (so you do not always have to use PiM factors); how to identify the optimal quantity of orders and how to identify the optimal number of resources. Do not hesitate to ask for more explanations or some variations of the model :-)

General model on transition, tipping points and crossing the chasm

Just a small general model on tipping points (using the Bass function that can be found e.g. in Sterman's 'Business Dynamics'). The model distinguishes between first movers, early adopters and the tipping point (Malcolm Gladwell) of an adaption by the majority of potential adopters. Getting from early adopters to the majority can be named 'crossing the chasm' (by G.A. Moore). The model can be used for both, explorative qualitative modeling of factors the hinder and foster the tipping point, or a continuation of the quantitative modeling of effects that describe when a tipping point might not be reached, e.g. because of incidents that make the change less attractive and thus even reverse it (or example the use ...»