Germany‘s Jamaica Coalition a historic chance

As disappointed I as I was about the lates election‘s results I nevertheless see a historic opportunity for real political progress. A lot major steps are prevented (for sometimes a very good reason) by the power sharing between national Bundestag and federal Bundesrat with a reigning CDU that is by definition conservative trying to change as little as possible. Now there is little alternative to bargaining a change other than they could decide to change nothing but to get ministries or than to repeat the election or even ask the SPD to continue to reign with the CDU tolerated by the rest. Once we have coalition and opposition they will block each other and the many needed steps are postponed. As little as I  ...»

Transformation - driving forces, levers, hinderances

just some thoughts while reading: Maja Göpel: The Great Mindshift - How a New Economic Paradigm and Sustainability Transformations go Hand in Hand

Qualitative model on the UN's sustainable development goals (SDG) ExampleGhana discussed there and with an accompanying paper here: (discussion paper) and peer reviewed here: Kai Neumann, Carl Anderson, and Manfred Denich (2018). Participatory, explorative, qualitative modeling: application of the iMODELER software to assess trade-offs among the SDGs. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 12 (2018-25): 1–19.  Qualitative cause and effect model on the SDGs This is a model that we (...) use for a paper yet to be published. Please copy (on you find the link to insert it into your acc ...»

Strategy Development (incl. Systemic SWOT and Systemic Risk Analysis) for an E-Car Enterprise

NOTE: This model is not complete - just an example for an accompanying paper published via KNOW-WHY.NET.  It is just a small example model for part 1 of a series of papers. It describes a fictious case of a start up enterprise that develops and produces a new electric vehicle. Here is the link to the guidance: Aim This model should tell us what to do in order to become a successful enterprise offering a cool electric car. ScopeIt is a qualitative model with Short term: 1 month Medium term: ... 1 year Long term: beyond 1 year (up to three years) Who takes part The models starts with ..... Later it continues with. We have scheduled the following sess ...»

Bringing an E-Car to market (ToC example model)

This is just a small example model for part 3 of a series of guidances called "Quantitative Optimization and Risk Analysis of Projects and Processes". It describes a fictitious case of a start up enterprise that develops and produces a new electric vehicle. Here is the link to the guidance: Here is the Operations Research version using the iM Optimizer: Here is the Monte Carlo version simulating a bandwidth of possible developments: Time: The model looks at units of 10 cars and uses as a time unit 'weeks' as the shortest process per car s ...»

Warum Deutschland einen Politikwechsel braucht (ausführlich)

Politik, die sich an den Bedürfnissen der BürgerInnen und den Herausforderungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft orientierte, könnte sehr sachlich nach optimalen Lösungen suchen. Die Realität ist eine der Deutungshoheiten und Interessenvertretungen weniger. Um jetzt doch auf die Zusammenhänge blicken zu können, gibt es drei Modelle: 1. Ein Modell, das von den Grundbedürfnissen ausgehend fragt, wie die Wahlprogramme mit welchen konkreten Maßnahmen und deren Finanzierung diese bedienen. ( 2. Dieses Modell, welches vor unserem vorherrschenden Wertesystem des materiellen Wohlstands auf die konkreten Herausforderungen schaut. 3. Ein Modell, das sogar noch extremer nu ...»

Warum Deutschland einen Politikwechsel braucht (Kurzform mit Fokus auf Wirtschaft)

Politik, die sich an den Bedürfnissen der BürgerInnen und den Herausforderungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft orientierte, könnte sehr sachlich nach optimalen Lösungen suchen. Die Realität ist eine der Deutungshoheiten und Interessenvertretungen weniger. Um jetzt doch auf die Zusammenhänge blicken zu können, gibt es drei Modelle: 1. Ein Modell, das von den Grundbedürfnissen ausgehend fragt, wie die Wahlprogramme mit welchen konkreten Maßnahmen und deren Finanzierung diese bedienen. ( 2. Ein Modell, welches vor unserem vorherrschenden Wertesystem des materiellen Wohlstands auf die konkreten Herausforderungen schaut.  ( ...»

Waterkant Festival 2017: collaborative workshop model

This small model should just help to facilitate a workshop at the WaterkantFestival 2017 in Kiel, Germany. The topic is to show how a new enterprise can become successful with an innovation. This model looks exactly at the enterprise. Another model will look at the generation of an innovative product (applying the so called Idealized System Design). And a third, quantitative model will show how counterintiutive dynamics behind a start up can be (the diffussion model that shows how to burn investor's money). "If an enterprise fails it is because some crucial factors were overlooked or some dynamics were underestimated"  Even copying a success story only works under certain circumstances. Otherwise best practic ...»