I have developed this model to understand the 2020 election in the US. It offers me many insights but probably I need to explain more of it. Until I find time for that maybe a discussion starts ....
Quelle: NDR FAQ: Fragen und Antworten zur Grundrente Die Bundesregierung hat die Grundrente beschlossen. Das Kabinett stimmte dem von Arbeitsminister Hubertus Heil (SPD) vorgelegten Gesetzentwurf zu. Verabschieden auch Bundestag und Bundesrat das Vorhaben, bekommen ab 2021 rund 1,3 Millionen Menschen die Grundrente. Profitieren sollen vor allem Menschen, die jahrelang für unterdurchschnittliche Löhne gearbeitet haben und deshalb nur eine geringe Rente bekommen. Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten zur Grundrente. Wer bekommt Grundrente? Wie hoch ist die Grundrente? Wie kommen Anspruchsberechtigte zu ihrem Geld? Wie wird die Grundrente finanziert? Was spricht für die Grundrente? Welche Kritik gibt es an dem Vo ...»
Das Modell wird im Presenter beschrieben! Systemgrenzen: Gentech, Urban Gardening (hat Consideo im D3 Modell für das Umweltbundesamt untersucht), Fischfarmen, etc. wurden ausgeklammert
This is our third model on the corona crisis (COVID-19). It explores the possible post corona world. Together with the other two models it is featured in our corresponding paper: https://www.consideo.com/papers-33.html (available in German as well) The first model was our simulation model that somehow seems to be the most advanced model on the development of infections with dynamic parameters: https://www.know-why.net/model/CHFWUVddNJsog2quA15x0PQ According to this there won't be enough intensive care capacities to prevent deaths unless we wait for more than 700 days, find a cure/vaccine or shift to a strategy to isolate just high risk parts of the population. The second model is a qualitative cause and e ...»
Target Collecting and exploring different arguments and ideas around the so called Corona crisis in a qualitative cause and effect model that after weighting the interconnections allows for analyses through Insight Matrices and loop analysis. Time horizon Short term: 1 month Medium term: 3 months Long term: beyond 1 year More....For more please look at the presenter, explore the model via iMODELER as a freeware or have a look at the corresponding paper: https://www.consideo.com/papers-33.html (available in German as well)
Link to corresponding paper: https://www.consideo.com/papers-33.html (English) https://www.consideo.de/papers.html (German) Summary - it really is severe The model shows how crucial the availability of a cure and vaccine has become. The death toll is directly related to the intensive care capacities that are totally unrealistic to keep up with any slow down of infections. The flu has a toll of 0.1 percent, Covid-19 allegedly a toll of 1.1 percent though some areas like Italy already show a rise close to 10 percent once the limits of the capacities are reached. What is included with the model It startet as just a small general model on tipping points (using the Bass function that can be found e.g. in Sterman's ...»
Fareed Zakaria argues that right wing terrorism is related to something else but lack of income. He refers to this study that states it is the correlation between migration and increase of right wing violence: https://academic.oup.com/jogss/article/5/1/179/5487267 With this model I started to wonder whether this is plausible to me. I'd say the underlying cause could still be lack of perspective but also the feeling of an attack of one's values as well as the feeling of lack of education. What do you think? In addition: What would you say is the difference with left wing extremism? Aren't the mechanism the same? Post your arguments or even place your own model.