Systemic look at e-fuels - shifting the burden creating wrong memes

The lack of systems thinking around the topic of e-fuels really hurts.  People need to understand the archetype of shifting the burden (to the intervenor), the vicious cycles from path dependencies and the psychological origin in the fear for change and selfish business interests.  Here some other insights on hydrogen of which I am actually a big fan:

Last generation protests

I have considered the "Letzte Generation" protests to be too harsh thinking that people as a reaction wouldn't sympathize with protesters and their cause anymore. But realizing how people react with hate just to stay in their comfort zone (and because of the fear of change) now shows me that like in the early days of F4F it takes the fact viral that we need drastic change and unmasks those who still don't get it. We need to change from 9 - 11 tons of CO2 eq per person per year to around 1 - 2 tons - no matter how China or the US are changing. So it is everything: less animal food, less use of cars, smaller living rooms, less traveling, fewer gadgets etc.. Funny thing: it could well mean more happiness, like w ...»

The price of sustainability

Being tired of the complaints that renewable energy is expensive, that we cannot afford the conservation of natural habitats, that not all people can purchase organic products, that our industry looses jobs, our citizens cannot bear the burden of the costs of sustainable solutions, and so forth I started this model. As it turned out it is not as easy as I thought. My original assumption was that any additional expenses should - with a high domestic value creation compared to the import of fossil fuels - help the domestic economy as a whole: higher expenses but lots of more jobs and income for domestic companies.  While this holds true for most regions in the world (Consideo together with Ecologic and others h ...»

Y iM - p5: PiM

This is a model from our latest paper: 

Y iM - p4: SFD

This is a model from our latest paper: 

Y iM - p1: Base model

This is a model from our latest paper: 

Why model

This is just a small model for a depiction of the reasons why modeling hasn't become a common practice, yet. It is used in our latest paper that presents the unique features of the iMODELER: 

Why iMODELER - part 1: Qualitative modeling beyond CLDs and FCM

This is a model from our latest paper: 

Hydrogen dilemmas- not just a question of constraints

Just a quick model to put the major arguments around the use and the source for hydrogen into perspective. We need to transform industries like the steel production away from fossil fuels towards use of green hydrogen. In order to shift they need supply. A useful source would be a domestic supply from times when we produce more than 100% of the needed electric power by renewables. However, the capacities for electrolysis would remain unused in times with no surplus of renewable power generation. But if we import hydrogen we have little use for our energy surplus. If we slow down our transition towards renewables in favour for imported hydrogen the world would risk constraints (materials, building capacities a ...»