Y iM - p5: PiM

This is a model from our latest paper: https://www.consideo.com/files/consideo/pdfs/papers/eng/Why_iMODELER.pdf 

Y iM - p4: SFD

This is a model from our latest paper: https://www.consideo.com/files/consideo/pdfs/papers/eng/Why_iMODELER.pdf 

Y iM - p1: Base model

This is a model from our latest paper: https://www.consideo.com/files/consideo/pdfs/papers/eng/Why_iMODELER.pdf 

Why model

This is just a small model for a depiction of the reasons why modeling hasn't become a common practice, yet. It is used in our latest paper that presents the unique features of the iMODELER: https://www.consideo.com/files/consideo/pdfs/papers/eng/Why_iMODELER.pdf 

Why iMODELER - part 1: Qualitative modeling beyond CLDs and FCM

This is a model from our latest paper: https://www.consideo.com/files/consideo/pdfs/papers/eng/Why_iMODELER.pdf 

Hydrogen dilemmas- not just a question of constraints

Just a quick model to put the major arguments around the use and the source for hydrogen into perspective. We need to transform industries like the steel production away from fossil fuels towards use of green hydrogen. In order to shift they need supply. A useful source would be a domestic supply from times when we produce more than 100% of the needed electric power by renewables. However, the capacities for electrolysis would remain unused in times with no surplus of renewable power generation. But if we import hydrogen we have little use for our energy surplus. If we slow down our transition towards renewables in favour for imported hydrogen the world would risk constraints (materials, building capacities a ...»

Atomdebatte Deutschland - Politikwissenschaft

Kleines Modell zu dem Trauerspiel, das sich gerade in unserer Öffentlichkeit abspielt. Rot/grün kann nur verlieren, es sei denn, wie es gerade passiert, es wird auf das Motiv der CSU hingewiesen. Hinter einigen Faktoren sind Quellen. Möge die Aufklärung beginnen...

Economy from a systems perspective p9

... still work in progress and soon more .... On my vacation I intended to complete my reading of Kate Raworth's "Doughnut Economics". I looked at this concept many years ago and wasn't fascinated by it but I have come across it several times in different projects since then so I decided to take a second look. I watched her TED talk and I really like her. Still, the concept I find disappointing though I haven't read the complete book, yet. I think it is a normative approach to rethink economics but in order to change the economy we have to understand its driving forces and find systemic levers for a change. It is not enough to know that we go beyond the limits, that the GDP is a fatal measure, etc.. We need r ...»

China, Taiwan, Russia and the West....

just the start of a model ... you may join and add arguments and sources ....

Wertschöpfung von Unternehmen

Wertschöpfung von Unternehmen - http://KNOW-WHY.NET https://know-why.net/model/CfoOcWIKpqZHgIqnEb1hI6w…  Kleines Modell auf die Frage, ob nicht auch die Lebenszeit, die Arbeitnehmer*innen investieren, gegengerechnet werden muss, wenn Unternehmen ihre Wertschöpfung preisen